Lax-Max (120 Vegetable Capsules)

20 Volume points

The price is with a -20% discount (activated after registration)

  • Full description

Lax-Max is a mild natural laxative. The ingredients of this dietary supplement are specifically selected to ease bowel movements, improve digestion and restore beneficial microbial flora of the intestinal tract. Lax-Max helps cleanse the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract and promotes detoxification of the body by purging it of toxins and heavy metals.

Psyllium Husks and Inulin

They restore intestinal tone by intensifying peristalsis. They absorb wastes, heavy metals and toxins and help to remove them from the body. The inulin increases the growth rate of good gut bacteria.

Cascara, Rhubarb, Senna, Watercress

Intensify colonic peristalsis, so feces make it through faster.

Alfalfa, Cloves, Rosemary, Fenugreek, Bayberry, Parsley

They reduce fermentation and putrefaction processes, fixing toxins and accelerating their removal from the body.

Pau D’Arco and Black Walnut

They arrest inflammatory processes and the growth of bad bacteria in the gut.


Four capsules in the morning before breakfast.


If pregnant or nursing, consult your healthcare practitioner before taking this product.


Keep out of reach of children. Protect from heat, light, and moisture. Store in a dry place at MAX. 25°С.

Shelf life

2 years

Manufactured in


Nährstoffangaben gemäß LMIV
Pro Tagesdosis % der empfohlenen Tageszufuhr
Wegerich-Samenschalen (Plantago psyllium), mg
900 +
Magnesium, mg
360 96
Inulin (aus Zichorienwurzel), mg
280 +
Alfalfa-Blattextrakt (Medicago Sativa), mg
200 +
Kieselalgen, mg
96 +
Cascara Sagrada Rindenpulver (Rhamnus purshiana), mg
48 +
Senneblatt (Cassia angustifolia),mg
48 +
Rhabarberwurzel (Rheum palmatum), mg
48 +
Lapachorinde (Tabebuia heptafylla), mg
32 +
Schwarznussschalen (Juglans nigra), mg
32 +
Gewürznelken (Syzygium aromaticum), mg
32 +
Bayberry Wurzelrinde (Myrica cerifera), mg
32 +
Brunnenkresse-Blätter (Nasturtium officinale), mg
32 +
Petersilienblätter (Petroselinum crispum), mg
32 +
Rosmarinblätter (Rosmarinus officinalis), mg
32 +
Sonnenhutkraut (Echinacea purpurea), mg
32 +
Fenchelsamen (Trigonella foenum graecum), mg
32 +

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Questions about the product

Where I can buy Lax-Max (120 Vegetable Capsules) in Hillsdal?
Store address information in Hillsdal is missing. You can order Lax-Max (120 Vegetable Capsules) via the Internet on our website. It will be delivered to your city.
How much is Lax-Max (120 Vegetable Capsules) costs? What price of in Hillsdal?
The catalog contains an approximate cost of Lax-Max (120 Vegetable Capsules). Specify the cost of Lax-Max (120 Vegetable Capsules) with the manager when ordering.
How I can buy Lax-Max (120 Vegetable Capsules) in Hillsdal?
Use the "Buy" button on the page. You will be taken to the product page in the Coral Club in Hillsdal. Fill out the order form (phone number, name, delivery address, etc.). Expect Delivery.
If it a real reviews of Lax-Max (120 Vegetable Capsules)?
We have posted real reviews on Lax-Max (120 Vegetable Capsules), left by buyers themselves on our website.
Why is the price for Lax-Max (120 Vegetable Capsules) so low?
The price is indicated with a discount of 20%. This discount is activated to all members of the Coral Club. In order to buy Lax-Max (120 Vegetable Capsules) with a discount, you need to register (it's free and won't take long).
Where I can buy Lax-Max (120 Vegetable Capsules) in a pharmacy in Hillsdal? Price?
If you are interested in which pharmacy you can buy Lax-Max (120 Vegetable Capsules), then we inform you that Lax-Max (120 Vegetable Capsules) is not sold in pharmacies of in Hillsdal. You can order Lax-Max (120 Vegetable Capsules) via the Internet on our website with delivery to Hillsdal.